Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brothers My lil prank!! and what happens when you have to many brothers! and other stuff

Are computer has a virus so I have to use my brothers and I can't use it anymore! :-( Please bring the mouse back! (brothers can't live with'em can't live without 'em) hmmm...... who do i know like that?! Let's see I forget! BROTHERS! the other day brady was taken a shower and I put my thumb on the lock and the door opened up and I threw 7 ice cubes in the shower! hahaha!! then he tried to get me back but I take quick showers! He got me with a towel though and he chased me around the table and with shaving cream!! I had hairspray and mango perfume. He said, "Who stunk up the area it smells like girly stuff!" "That would be me I said!!" brothers cause all the trouble.

For my b-day I saw Harry Potter 6! It isn't to good I love it when Bellatrix and Greyback curse fire around the weasly's house!

Can't wait for school to start! :-)

Poem about friends

Poem about friends